BlackBird's Bullets #18: AMZN tips; walking; The Office; Kaspersky; and moving houses

Welcome to the eighteenth edition of my five-bullet newsletter. I committed to delivering twenty editions in this series, and I'm also working on something new. The weekly newsletter will continue after the #20, but I'm working on a new format/platform. Stay tuned.
I'm still working on the Chapter 4 draft of the #ChallengeAccepted book. I'll release it here once the raw copy is done, but in the meantime, I've been distracting myself with some other writing. Artistic freedom.
Title photo: drivers enjoying a break in the middle of San Francisco. Shot back in 2015, from a slowly-moving cable car.
- Sometimes you find these simple nuggets of wisdom that are just too easy to implement.

- Working from home takes away the commute and the associated natural movement. So we sit more, and sitting is the new smoking. At NetApp, we have recently engaged in a nice Fitbit Channelge (Channel + challenge), and we all move more. It helps.

- 🎙 Brian Baumgartner, aka Kevin from The Office, has a podcast where he dives deep into other cast members' backstories. And don't get me started on UK vs. the US version ...

- Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of the IT security firm Kaspersky is an avid blogger and traveler. When you're stuck at home in the world's largest country, you can always find interesting opportunities to travel. He's on an expedition from Magadan to Moscow — that's more than twelve thousand kilometers. Check the map —Magadan is eastern than Japan! Well written and with full-day dash-cam videos.

- You haven't lived if you haven't seen a 139-year-old Victorian house rolling through San Francisco. Change the house number, keep the house?

See you next week.
Stay Hungry; Stay Foolish.
Peter K.
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