BlackBird's Bullets #13: 2nd book outline, $GME, Stevenotes, and Navalny.

Welcome to the 13th edition of the BlackBird’s Bullets. I’m happy to see that more and more of you are signing up, and so far, nobody yet broke my heart with unsubscribing.

Also, thank you for sharing your feedback —  I find it super valuable. Some of you asked about the cover images I’m using with the blog posts and the newsletters. While the site theme cuts off parts of the image on the site, the email version shows full photos —  and you might have noticed my little copyright watermark in the lower-left corner. Yes, most of the photo material I’m using is mine, even though I’ll occasionally tap into Ghost’s Unsplash integration. But so far, I only have eight such posts (out of 36). Writing about the Playmates, I mentioned that photography is my hobby. In the past few years, it’s been mostly iPhotography, and you can follow that on my Instagram account.
*Title photo: It's a Sukhoi SU-27 fighter jet located at Moscow's VDNKh.

Integrating a photo gallery onto this site is on the roadmap, but no committed deadline so far. There are so many ideas, as I’d like to turn into my digital hub integrating all the social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
IndieWeb is an exciting idea of digital freedom for the rest of us. Wouldn’t it be cool to have one inbox for all your private e-mails, social media accounts, RSS feeds, etc.? –If there’s an app for that, please let me know.

Here’s what I tinkered with this weekend:

  • 📗 My next book is now up for pre-orders, and last week I also published the outline. It's reachable only to the (free) subscribers, so get on the list to access it, and then you’ll also receive all the draft chapters during my writing process.
  • 👍 You can also follow along on my Facebook Page. I renamed it from The Elements of Lifestyle to Peter Kos (author) page. At first, I started it to support my book launch, but now I’m transitioning it to my public author page. My initial experience with Facebook marketing and advertising is that it’s excellent for Likes, but if you want to generate (book) sales, you have to go to LinkedIn. At least for the kind of books that I’m writing. Still, it’s the largest social network out there, and it’s not a hassle to maintain while using Zapier to cross-post. Hit Like.
  • 📈 It was a weird week for the stock markets—Reddit gangs on Robinhood vs. the hedge funds (and potentially, common sense). This guy paying for a SUCK MY ... banner to be flown over Robinhood's HQ pretty much sums it up in layman's terms.
    Nobody explains financial things better than Matt Levine. Read GameStop is just a game.
  • 🎬 Read this interview with a guy who produced Stevenotes (Steve Jobs’ keynotes) for 20 years. I’m looking forward to reading your book, Mitch! ;-)
  • 🪆 I love every opportunity I get to practice my Russian language skills. But since my private classes are gone, I’m using music and YouTube. Alexei Navalny, the man with the balls of steel, and his team are producing great opposition videos. This one about Putin's Castle has over 105 million views so far. English subtitles included, and it’s an incredible story. No wonder the regime is afraid of this man. His chances of survival are slim, but: Бог в помощь, Алексей Анатольевич!

See you next week. Stay Hungry; Stay Foolish.
Peter K.

Join the pursuit of Finding Your Enough.

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The Elements of Lifestyle: Find Your Enough (English Edition)
Shared via Kindle. Description: If you’re tired of living on a passive autopilot, I’ve got something for you. The Elements of Lifestyle is a story on living a joyous life by: - applying intentional life design - following the path of kaizen — small, increme...
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